Uncomfortable Silence

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


So I've recently become aware of a growing trend in our lovely country. It has to do with every single one of the people on this site, whether you write blogs to express your opinions on pop culture, politics, life, or whatever floats your boat. It is an attack at our right to express ourselves. This recent trend is that in addition to running a background check prior to employment, companies are now running MySpace checks. Trying to find out your interests, personality traits, social life activities. If you write blogs on that site, and I'm sure, on ones such as this, they are being read and reviewed by some employers. Am I the only one appalled by this. I understand that we are on the internet but this is still private life. It has nothing to do with your employment, or your ability to do work under someone's employment. So I don't understand the purpose of it. I've had people try to explain it to me and as of yet, it's just not clicking.
Say for instance you are a defense attorney. You write a blog about the way you hate murderers. I was told that the prosecutor(s) or judge(s) could use this information against you and as a result, the firm should either not hire the person, or if they are already employed, fire them. This makes no sense to me. Wouldn't you want a lawyer to dislike murderers, and if they do, and they are a defense attorney, is it really going to keep them from being able to do their job? And if anyone would be against the posting of this information, wouldn't it be the client, and therefore under the client's discretion to give a shit.
I think we are in scary time where all things private and personal are no longer that. Where a networking site like MySpace is run by a conservative based company that just so happens to be the largest media corporation in the world. So even outside of the employers/employee relationship, how much of our life is being 'watched.' is this a step one to the world of Big Brother. Perhaps, but whatever, that's a different time. So I understand that by writing a blog on the internet you are writing for a public forum, and that in doing so, there is that irrefutable loss of privacy, but I think that when people write these things, they are often rants. Expressions of how you feel at a time. If I say I hate my job on a blog, whether I write the blog or not, I still hate the job. Am I right? I don't understand why expressing it on a blog that it seems nobody reads anyway should make any kind of difference.
I can understand an employer deciding against a hire if the person talks about wanting to kill people and their disrespect for authority, etc. But what if the employer is a republican and discovers that the potential hire is a democrat and just decides they don't want them around. What if someone doesn't want to hire me because I think our country is fucked up, that our president sucks, that I like stephen king books. What if, what if, what if. The growing potential for discrimination now has the possibility to extend across an ubelievable amount of concepts. Do we lose our rights to use this site as entertainment and expression, and have to begin to watch our backs when we post, wondering who might think what. What information is getting out and to whom. Do we have to stress about whether we should change our privacy settings so only certain people read this stuff. And even with that, how private is private. Where can we express ourselves without the fear that our words will harm us. should we go back to journals we write while laying in bed, late at night. what if that were to get shown to an employer. Would it still be okay for them to fire you.
I think this is just ridiculous.


At 9:51 AM, Blogger dutchesscourtney said...

I'm sure the ACLU isn't far behind. Sounds like 1st Amendment infraction.

At 8:14 AM, Blogger Petarded said...


you have found your voice in the blog...

i heard about this one instance where a young woman was interviewing for a job in a legal profession of some kind. ie. clerk, lawyer, assistant... And her potiential employer searched for her on MySpace and found she was in to S&M and refused to hire her. Even though she had been promised the job and so forth.

When employers begin basing your qualifications for the job upon your "interests", they are no longer looking for the best candidate. They are looking for the person least likely to bring a lawsuite against them or rock the boat.

Can you say gentrification.

At 3:07 PM, Blogger LeftyLizard said...

Right, exactly. when you starting opening the door for the possibility of discriminating against a person for any number of things and interests, it is the start of a loss of personal rights and freedoms. Your like or dislike of S&M, the KKK, abortion, etc. can not be the determining factor for why a person should be hired or fired. It's ridiculous.


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