Uncomfortable Silence

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Back from the dead

Hey everyone,

No one really reads this but I figured I'd go ahead and start writing again because two of my really good friends just moved and this will be an easy way to keep in touch with them.

So, since I last wrote a lot of life changes have happened for me. Some work, some personal. But whatever, we don't need to talk about any of that. Let's talk about Georgia football. What is up with our team this year. I mean, I get that we're a young team, and I get that it's kind of a rebuilding year, or whatever. But wasn't that what last year was for. Shouldn't Stafford be at the point now where he can throw and complete touch passes? Shouldn't he be at the point now where he is leading the team offensively? We can't rely completely on our running game, because once it's stopped, you know, like in the Tennessee game, then we have to rely on the passing game. When we can't complete passes, where does that put us then? Anyway...thoughts?


At 6:25 AM, Blogger eb said...

i refuse to comment on GA football, on the excuse that i've seen (literally) 15 minutes all season. hey, i've been busy! and i have no cable. killadelphia cares only about the eagles, which is crappy - pro football blows.

how's life?

At 3:46 AM, Blogger dutchesscourtney said...

I miss UGA football - Eric and I are trying to figure out how we're going to watch it at 5:30AM on Jan 2nd - I think we're going to have to sort out the 360 details and use your help.

Welcome back!


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