So can someone please explain to me how this happens. The investigation into the illegal wiretapping is being dropped because clearance isn't being given to justice department lawyers. UMMM. Seriously, what the fuck. So as a government I can severely break laws, stripping the american people of rights, supposedly granted to us in that silly little ol' constitution, and because an agency decides not to grant clearance, then everythings dropped. I don't get it. What good is a government whose agencies don't act for the same common good of the people. When we have a clash of the power structures and those agencies meant to defend us and our rights, bow their heads and give in. I really just don't understand this. How is it that the justice department can't subpoena the information. How is it that some sub-committee or whatever who's in charge of this type of shit can't step in and say 'hey hand the shit over.'
And then...we have our own congressmen saying that they should be ashamed of themselves for not knowing the goings on of our country. When the media discovers that cell phones companies turned over phone records to the NSA so that all phone calls/logs could be tracked. So that they can know if you talked to your mom for an hour on a sunday and had a work call on a monday. I'll bet this information wasn't released by any Fox news reporter.
How as a country do we not see the total stripping of our rights. How have we all experienced such a mass blinding to any type of personal awareness to the status of what is going on with our country, our rights, and our future.
This is not a world where we can live and prosper. This is the start of nightmares and if we don't wake up, this nightmare will be a doozy.
So...Fucking wake up.
okay so now, seriously i want to vomit. in a poll done (granted with a small percentage of americans) two thirds say that they are okay with their phone records being pulled. what is wrong with everyone. have we completely lost our minds. i cannot believe that people are okay with this type of behavior. did everyone miss that month in high school where we read 1984. why do we accept the information that we are being fed. do we really think that our government is truely out for our best interest. if we do, we are idiots and we deserve the total stripping of rights and freedoms that are coming our way. Listen people, our government is prying into our personal lives. the same government who was aware of the 9/11 attacks before they happened. the same government who consistently works towards furthering the gap between the rich and the poor. A country who sends people off to war, leaves people for dead in our own country and abroad. And who has generally turned their backs on the american public as a whole. But in turn, we grant them more liberty in taking away our liberties. We say i can't believe you are doing this...but it's okay, you say it's for a reason and you're our government, soooo...uh, yeah, it's gotta be okay. Well, i'm telling you it's not okay. It is not okay that a right wing christian community comprised of rich white males is responsible for delegating what is right and wrong for us in our lives. It is not okay that that same government structure is feeding us mouth fulls of misinformation, and that as a community we are holding our mouths wide open and swallowing with smiles on our faces. we are lied to about our country. we are lied to about our soldiers. we are lied to about war. we are lied to about every aspect of our country's goings on. we are told that the abortion pill is responsible for causing a bacteria in women that causes death. we are told that this is fact. is it fact. no. that bacteria exists in women with our without the pill and the numerous deaths that have occured for those not using the pill are swept aside, so that these 'leaders' can fulfill their own personal goals. further press upon us their views on life. further decrease our ability to make our own decisions. This happens across the board. we have been grossly lied to about the success of the no child left behind act. where our government has chosen to omit large numbers of minorities from the records. Why are we in a state where the minority doesn't count. why should a lower class citizen have any less opportunity for success than an upper class one. we have created a society that embraces the successful and dejects everyone else. This is a terrible place and time for anyone who is in the middle or lower classes. for those people struggling to get by. working minimum wage jobs, trying to feed their households, and with the rising gas prices, what is going to happen when they can't afford to pay for both gas and food. what choice do you have? public transportation? uh, maybe in chicago and new york. anywhere else, that concept is nearly laughable.
we should all be ashamed of ourselves. every one of us should go to our grandparents and say, that we are sorry for tearing apart all of the things they worked so hard to get us. Roe v Wade. I'm sorry. Civil Rights. I'm sorry. Desegregation. I'm sorry. Freedom of speech/press/religion/sexual orientation. I'm sorry.
we are at a significant juncture in the history of our civilization. this is a time that people will look back on and judge us for our behavior. will we all idly sit back and allow ourselves to take a serious raping, allow the generations of the future to come to us and say why, why did you let it happen. or, what was it like having freedom. or will all of that be lost by that time, so they won't even think to question their world. will we all live in a world that has moved on, that has accepted the tyrrany of our government with smiles and open hands, where one day we will be saying things like, when i was your age, things weren't like this. we could make choices, we had freedoms. and i remember when they were all taken away. and son, grandson, great grandson (whoever it may be) I'm sorry. Because that's all we'll be able to say. I'm sorry.
your heavy!
have yoou ever craved a smell?
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